부산시광역푸드뱅크 약 3천만원 기부 진행

Donated ₩30,000,000 to Busan Food Bank
2023. 12

부산시광역푸드뱅크 약 2천만원 기부 진행

Donated ₩20,000,000 to Busan Food Bank
2023. 06

한국수산무역협회 우수상 수상

Received the Korea fishery trade association Award
2023. 04

부산테크노파크 수산식품 개발사업 진행

Participate in product development programs by BTP
2023. 03

부산 특급호텔 납품

Goodsea is now available on P Hotel in Busan (5stars)
2023. 02

롯데마트/슈퍼 입점

Goodsea is now available on Lotte Mart
2023. 01

마켓컬리 입점/납품

Goodsea is now available on Market Kerly

부산경제진흥원 온라인상품개발사업 진행

Busan Economic Promotion Agency’s Online Product Development Program approved
2022. 06

부산시광역푸드뱅크 약 3천만원 기부 진행

Donated ₩30,000,000 to Busan Food Bank
2022. 03

부산시광역푸드뱅크 약 2천만원 기부 진행

Donated ₩20,000,000 to Busan Food Bank
2021. 12

바른씨 상표등록

Trademark registered
2020. 06

자가사업장으로 확장이전

Acquired and expanded to our current larger logistics center
2020. 02

초록우산어린이재단 첫 기부 진행

First Donation to Children's Foundation
2019. 12

바른씨 창업

Goodsea was founded
2015. 02

해양수산부 장관상 수상

Received the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Award
2019. 11


Received Venture Certification
2018. 11

기업부설연구소 인증

Received company-affiliated research institute certification
2018. 05

통합물류센터로 확장이전

Expanded and moved to the integrated logistics center, merging our warehouse with the corporate office
2018. 08

웹클라우드 기반의 그래픽디자인 특허

Cloud-based graphic design patent approved
2017. 10

(주)바른씨 법인전환

Expanded from a Sole proprietorship business to INC
2017. 05